Durango Friends Meeting (Quaker)

An Unprogrammed Quaker Congregation Serving Southwestern Colorado, Northwestern New Mexico and Northeastern Arizona

Durango Friends Meeting

     How Do Quakers Worship?

The heart of the Religious Society of Friends is the meeting for worship. It calls for us to offer ourselves, body, mind, and soul, to wait in active anticipation for the revelation of the Spirit. It is in silence that we still our hearts and minds so that the Spirit of God may enter. This silencing, this waiting in expectancy, this listening for that which is deepest within—this is what Friends call worship. We seek a gathered stillness in our meetings for worship so that all may feel the power of God’s love leading us and drawing us together.

 -IMYM Faith and Practice - Advices on Worship)

As we settle into Meeting for Worship, the quiet gradually becomes vital and alive.  Worshipers may be moved by the Spirit to speak; such spiritual messages need not be lengthy or polished.  There should be a time of quiet between messages for allowing people to find their own spiritual meaning in what has just been shared.

    If You Are Worshiping with Us for the First Time

You will be greeted at the front door and have the opportunity to ask questions. At 9:30 am, those in attendance will join in unprogrammed worship. At the end of an hour, we form a circle for introductions, meeting announcements and personal announcements, we then adjourn to foyer for coffee and an opportunity to all visit informally.

      About Durango Friends Meeting

      Quaker Testimonies

      Pastor's Spotlight (from Durango Herald)

      Quakers on the Web

      Videos for Newcomers from QuakerSpeak

About This Page

This website is a work in progress. It is a port of the Durango Friends Meeting website that was hosted by FGC for a number of years before FGC ceased support of these Meeting websites. As a work in progress, please contact the administrator with corrections, suggestions, or additions you think would be beneficial.


Rainbow Flag Democracy Access Files Quaker Resources Quaker Speak

Meeting Contacts

Durango Friends Meetinghouse
803 CR 233
Durango, CO 81301

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3052
Durango, CO 81302

Email Address:

Voice Mail: (970) 387-8780

Meeting Times

Meeting for Worship Sunday from 9:30 -10:30

Meeting for Worship is held at the Meeting House, and also virtually (a hybrid Meeting) by Zoom. For access via Zoom, please send email to DFMInquiry@gmail.com; you will be added to the Meeting attenders list and receive the Meeting ID.

All are welcome, but if you plan to attend Meeting in person we ask that you are vaccinated and boosted for Covid19. During the pandemic, we required all to wear masks and maintain social distance. Currently, we ask all to be consistent with current CDC guidelines for mitigation of health concerns.

1st Sunday: Meeting for Worship followed by Meeting for Business.

Other Sundays: Please check the calendar for special topics.