Durango Friends Meeting (Quaker)

An Unprogrammed Quaker Congregation Serving Southwestern Colorado, Northwestern New Mexico and Northeastern Arizona

DFM Minutes & Resources

Access to DFM's Google Drive archive is limited. Friends and attenders of Durango Friends Meeting may request access by emailing dfminquiry@gmail.com.  Some files are open to all, others only by invitation.  The first list of files are open to all, the second list is open only by invitation.

List of files open to all:

  1. Pastor's Spotlight (from Durango Herald)
  2. Recent Article Regarding Quakers and IMYM in the Durango Herald

List of files open by invitation only:

  1. DFM Business Meeting - Current
  2. Finance Report - Current
  3. Business Meeting
  4. Ministry & Oversight
  5. Nominating Committee
  6. Peace Social Concerns
  7. Other Records of Meeting