Durango Friends Meeting (Quaker)

An Unprogrammed Quaker Congregation Serving Southwestern Colorado, Northwestern New Mexico and Northeastern Arizona

Quakers on the Web

The following references are a sampling of what is available on the web.  There are numerous other sources that may be found by Googling "Quakers" or "Society of Friends".

        Quaker Publications & Informataton

  1. Quaker Information Center - Earlham School of Religon
  2. Western Friend - Quaker Plain Speech and Spirit in the West
  3. Friends Journal
  4. FGC Quaker Books & More
  5. Quaker Finder - Find a Meeting Near You
  6. Quaker.org

        Quaker Outreach

  1. FCNL - Friends Committee on National Legislation
  2. AFSC - American Friends Service Committee
  3. Quaker Earthcare Witness
  4. Right Sharing of World Resources
  5. Friends Peace Teams

        Larger Quaker Communities

  1. IMYM - Intermountain Yearly Meeting
  2. FGC - Friends General Conference
  3. FWCC - Friends World Committee for Consultation

        Quaker Retreat, Conference Centers, and Schools

  1. Pendle Hill
  2. Ben Lomond Quaker Center
  3. Earlham School of Religion