Durango Friends Meeting (Quaker)

An Unprogrammed Quaker Congregation Serving Southwestern Colorado, Northwestern New Mexico and Northeastern Arizona

About Durango Friends Meeting

Unprogrammed Ministry: An unprogrammed meeting has no pastor. The responsibility for ministry, both in Meeting and at all other times, rests upon all worshipers. Each person’s spiritual experiences are valuable to the meeting.

Statements of common Quaker beliefs - Quaker Testimonies

Outreach:  Friends attempt to put their beliefs into practice, and the way we relate to one another in everyday life is an important witness of our beliefs. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee coordinates activities that promote peace and justice, both in the community and world-wide. The Meeting contributes a substantial portion of its budget to fund local non-profit organizations, as well as Quaker and Quaker-related organizations

Children’s Education:  The Meeting provides a children’s education program (First Day School) offering religious education activities during Meeting for Worship on the second and fourth Sundays of the month from September through May. 

Friendly Discussion:  From September through May, this program is devoted to consideration of topics of interest to Friends. Held the hour after Meeting for Worship, it begins with discussion, but is often transformed into a deeper form of sharing our understandings. 

Help: The Care and Counsel Committee is available to serve the spiritual and personal needs of individuals. For information regarding membership or other personal concerns, please contact anyone on the Care and Counsel Committee, or the Clerk of the Meeting. 

Meeting for Worship for Business:  Meeting for Worship for Business is normally held following worship on the first Sunday of each month. Meeting issues of ministry, operations, finance, committee reports, and other business are considered at this time. Decision-making in the manner of Friends is a spiritual process, rooted in the belief that God is present.  Decisions are reached in a manner to identify the will of God by finding a “sense of the Meeting”. The Meeting’s Clerk provides leadership in this effort. All are welcome to attend, and any concern or request that you wish to have considered by the Meeting may be directed to the Clerk of the Meeting. 

Library:  The Meeting library contains a collection of Quaker books, periodicals, newsletters and pamphlets. The library is open to all. 

Money: Contributions to finance the Meeting’s activities and outreach may be placed in the contribution box in the Meetinghouse foyer or mailed to the Treasurer at Durango Friends Meeting, PO Box 3052, Durango, CO 81302. Checks should be made payable to the Durango Friends Meeting and are tax-deductible. Typically more than half of the Meeting’s income is used for charitable outreach. 

Wider Quaker Circles:  Durango Friends Meeting affiliates with New Mexico Regional Meeting (NMRM) and Intermountain Yearly Meeting (IMYM) which includes sixteen other monthly meetings in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah and a small portion of Texas.  Our Yearly Meeting meets in June of each year at Fort Lewis College in Durango. To Learn more visit imym.org

For More Information:  More information about Friends’ practices and how meetings function can be found at Quakers on the Web .